by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
26 NOVEMBER, 2016 Most of us want to find a place of inner peace in our lives. This inner peace speaks to our ability to maintain ease within our psyche, our thoughts, our bodies … in short, the complete experience of living our lives. When we cultivate a state of...
by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
06 OCTOBER, 2017 The first time I realized that all that “stuff” I fantasized about living my life was actually meaningless was after I first reached the summit of a Canadian Rocky Mountain range. To get there, I had to pass through fear after fear after fear. The...
by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
06 OCTOBER, 2017 Just a few words on living spirituality. It all begins with our awareness. Our presence in the moment. With that, living a more mindful, meaningful life can begin. It is a process, and demands our open hearts. Inspiration. The root meaning of...
by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
02 MAY, 2016 Most of us are able to recognize for ourselves when the world has become too loud for us to move fluidly and comfortably throughout the day. When our inner world has become imbalanced. Along with this state of mental challenge and possible physical...
by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
12 MARCH, 2016 “Many of us feel an emptiness buried deeply inside, and this blank space is often managed in the most unhealthy of ways. Some folks turn to alcohol, while others turn to food, sex, exercise or work in an attempt to fill this persistent void with...
by Constance McClain | Jul 8, 2019
14 FEBRUARY, 2016 Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone.“With love that begins in a mindful heart and centered presence, we never need feel unloved, unloving or alone.” – Constance McClain Valentine’s Day. The day of...
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